T-ball skills & drills is a new offering for our youngest ballplayers to stay active, learn some skills and have fun this fall!
Sandlot baseball and softball provide casual, fun opportunities to keep playing ball this fall. The goal of these programs is to have fun, continue to develop as ballplayers and have fun with friends.
Location: Lookout Park
Dates: Sunday mornings between Sept 11 - Oct 30
Time: TBD (but definitely in the morning!)
Attendance isn’t mandatory
Come when you can and each week participating players will be split into teams
There will also not be coaches and umpires -- that will be you!
All participants in t-ball skills & drills and our sandlot programs receive a t-shirt.
Email us at [email protected] with questions.
New this year -> U8, U10, U12 fall softball !!
We are excited to offer fall softball for our U8, U10 and U12 leagues. This program will be similar to our spring season where we play teams in the River League. All players in this program are automatically enrolled in sandlot softball at no additional cost.
We currently have a strong group of 10U, 11U, 12U and 13U travel baseball teams and are looking to build fall baseball and spring travel teams for our younger players (7U, 8U and 9U) as well.